

Summary Chart Appointments and Promotions Procedure


Appointments and Promotions Packet Requirements


Lists of documentation required for the appointments and promotions packet vary by rank. See the full listing of required documentation for each rank here.

Action1Reference Letters8Copies of PublicationsFAP Review
Assistant Professor (NTT)00No
Assistant Professor (TT)30No
Associate Professor (NT)30Yes
Associate Professor (TT)30Yes
Mission in Research:   
Associate Professor (T)6 (e)3Yes
Professor (NT)6 (e)0Yes
Professor (T)6 (e)6Yes
Mission in Patient Care:   
Associate Professor (T)63Yes
Professor (NT)60Yes
Professor (T)66Yes
Mission in Education:   
Associate Professor (T)63Yes
Professor (NT)60Yes
Professor (T)66Yes
Clinical/Adjunct Visiting Instructor00No
Clinical/Adjunct Visiting Assistant Professor00No
Clinical Associate Professor330No
Adjunct/Visiting Associate Professor00No
Clinical Professor640No
Adjunct/Visiting Professor340No
Award of Emeritus Title
ActionReference Letters8Copies of PublicationsFAP Review
Associate Professor (T)/Professor (T)500No
Associate Professor (NT)/Professor (NT)/Clinical Associate Professor/Clinical Professor600Yes
Distinguished Emeritus   
Professor (T)700Yes

Important Notes


Educational Portfolio information is required for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor (tenured) or Professor (tenured or non-tenured).

Patient Care Portfolio information is required for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor (non-tenured) or Professor (non-tenured) on the Patient Care Single Mission Pathway.

All requests must also include: approved Proposed Action Form (PAF), Letter of Request, Request for Faculty Appointment/Promotion (RAFP) form, Record of Professional Training & Experience (RPTE) form, current Curriculum Vitae (CV) in the required BCM format, executed offer letter, transcript (new full-time or part-time appointment only), and completed Faculty Interview Hiring Report.

Key: (TT) Tenure Track; (NTT) Non-Tenure Track; (T) Tenured; (NT) Non-Tenured; (e) External letters

1A national search is required for any faculty appointment with tenure or in the tenure track or promotion with tenure or in the tenure track (if the initial appointment did not require a national search) when commitments for resources beyond salary are made by the College to the individual being appointed.

2Visiting faculty may not be promoted.

3This requirement is waived for those holding a concurrent appointment as Associate Professor at another academic institution.

4This requirement is waived for those holding a concurrent appointment as Professor at another academic institution.

5Professor (T) - at least one year of service and have remained on active status until retirement.
Associate Professor (T) - at least 10 years of service and have remained on active status until retirement.

6At least 10 years of demonstrated exemplary service and have remained on active status until retirement.

7Served the College with special distinction for at least 10 years and have remained on active status until retirement.

8A minimum of six letters are required for the following appointments and promotions that are reviewed by the FAP: Associate Professor (tenured), Professor (tenured), and Professor (non-tenured). For faculty members who have research as their primary focus, it is required that all letters will be in the external category. For faculty members who have patient care or education as their primary focus, external letters are preferable in most cases but may not be feasible in all cases. For faculty members who have patient care or education as their primary focus, letters from sources within the Texas Medical Center but outside the College and letters from within the College can count towards the six required letters, although the FAP must judge whether the overall packet of letters is satisfactory.


For forms to request an appointment or promotion and record professional training and experience as well as requirements for transcripts and other useful documentation, visit the Faculty Appointment & Promotion page (Baylor login required).


Detailed Procedures


More information on appointment and promotion procedures for each rank is available here.